Board Meetings are Held via Zoom Only

Torrey Pines Community Planning Board (TPCPB) and its Project Review Committee (PRC) meetings are held via Zoom only. PRC meetings are the second Thursday and Board meetings the third Thursday of the month, from 7:00-9:00pm. Please check this website for updates.

Upcoming Meetings

Project Review Committee (PRC)

General Board Meeting

Del Mar-Torrey Pines Railroad Tunnel

Del Mar - Torrey Pines Railroad Tunnel

The bluffs carrying railroad tracks (LOSSAN) trough the City of Del Mar and Torrey Pines Community Planning district are eroding at an increased pace. A patchwork of past, current and planned projects to shore up the bluff is a temporary fix. In a matter of years the inevitable forces of erosion will prevent use of the tracks. If train services are to continue, an alternative route is required. SANDAG began planning years ago to build a tunnel through the area to both continue and enhance (quicker and dual track) service. On June 18, 2024 a forum was held to present the "Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report" (NOP) for 3 possible paths and may be viewed here. A 95-page Alignments Screening Report with additional information is also available here. Five years ago 5 tunnel paths were proposed (April 2019 SANDAG presentation to TPCPB), then reduced to 2 through a subjective analysis (here). A value analysis was released on February 10, 2025 examined 16 routes. SANDAG is examining 4 paths seen below..


Track routing alternatives

Below is a brief description of the recommendations that SANDAG’s staff is currently studying: 

  • Under Crest Canyon (Under Jimmy Durante to I-5 Knoll): Realigned to minimize subsurface easements by routing below Crest Canyon
  • Under Camino Del Mar (Under Jimmy Durante to Torrey Pines Road West): Aligned to minimize subsurface easements by following below Camino Del Mar
  • San Dieguito Bridge to I-5 Knoll: Aligned to minimize impacts to Del Mar, the Fairgrounds, and San Dieguito Double Track Bridge
  • Del Mar Bluffs Double Track Reinforced: Maintains current alignment, adds double track along the bluffs and through Los Penasquitos Lagoon with bluff reinforcement and more robust seawalls
  • No Build: Includes continuation of major stabilization efforts that would be required to protect the existing single-track alignment


The Torrey Pines Community Planning Group played a significant role in convincing SANDAG to eliminate a potential southern portal location in a sensitive habitat area directly to the east of Portofino Drive, north of Carmel Valley Road, and instead locate that portal to what is now known as the "I-5 Knoll" location, away from homes and this habitat area."

$300 million is in the state budget to move the project through the environmental and design phase. Project design and construction are estimated at 5 years each because of the time to garner the $3B or more construction costs and the extensive permits required from a multitude of governmental authorities.


Planning for the Managed Retreat of Torrey Pines Natural Reserve North Beach Parking Lot

Torrey Pines Natural Reserve North Beach Parking Lot

Currently, the North Beach Parking Lot provides access to the northern portion of Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve including Los Peñasquitos Lagoon, Torrey Pines State Beach and regional trail networks that include the California Coastal Trail and Trans County Trail. However, beach access is vulnerable to sea level rise and needs to be redesigned. Redesign may include managed retreat that includes modifications to the existing beach access points and reconfiguring or relocating critical infrastructure and amenities to preserve their public use while reducing maintenance and maximizing ecological and community benefits. The redesign or relocation of the North Beach Parking Lot in the context of a larger multi-beneficial project would ensure continued access to these natural areas for the public that includes nearby residents and surrounding low-income communities. The project partners will explore how to maximize the co-benefits this valuable space could provide, including ecological, educational, and recreational opportunities.

To learn more about the project click here and to attend the Virtual Workshop click here

Support the Board

Would you like to support the Board? The Planning Board receives no funding for the work it does for the Torrey Pines community and we welcome donations. No contribution is too small. And all donations will help the Board serve our community more effectively. Please send a message to the Board Treasurer to help us out.